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lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Radio /The Corrs/ /^/



Autores: Corr, Caroline;Corr, Andrea;Corr, James;Corr, Sharon

/los cuatro hermanos que conforman la banda/








It's late at night                                                  Es tarde a la noche

And I'm feeling down                                        y estoy bajoneada

There're couples standing                                  hay parejas paseando

on the street                                                      por las calles

Sharing summer kisses                                      compartiendo besos estivales

and silly sounds                                                 y sonidos tontos

So I step inside                                                  Así que entro a casa

Pour a glass of wine                                           me sirvo un vaso de vino

With a full glass and                                           con un vaso lleno

an empty heart                                                   y el corazón vacío

I search for something                                        busco algo que ocupe

to occupy my mind                                             mi mente

But you are in my head                                       Pero vos estás en mi cabeza

Swimming forever in my head                              nadando para siempre en mi cabeza

Tangled in my dreams                                         enredado en mis sueños

Swimming forever                                               nadando eternamente

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)              Entonces escucho la radio (escuchá la radio)

And all the songs we used to know, oh,               oh todas las canciones que nos sabíamos

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)              así que oigo la radio

Remember where we used to go...                       y recuerdo donde solíamos ir

Now it's morning light                                          Ahora está amaneciendo

And it's cold outside                                            y hace frío afuera

Caught up in a distant dream                                atrapada en un sueño distante

I turn and think that you are by my side me           doy vuelta y pienso que estás al lado

So I leave my bed                                                Después dejo mi cama

And I try to dress                                                 y trato de vestirme

Wandering why my mind plays tricks                    imaginando por qué mi mente me hace trampa

And fools me into thinking you are there               y me engaña al pensar que estás acá

But you're just in my head                                     Pero igual estás en mi cabeza

Swimming forever in my head                               permanentemente nadando en mi mente

Not lying in my bed                                              no acostado en mi cama

Just swimming forever                                          sólo nadando por siempre

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)

And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)

Remember where we used to go...

I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)

And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh

I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)

Remember where we used to go...

You are in my head

Swimming forever in my head

Tangled in my dreams

Swimming forever

(Swimming forever)

Swimming forever

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)

And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh

So listen to the radio (listen to the radio)

Remember where we used to go...

I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)

And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh

I listen to the radio (listen to the radio)




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